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Este tema de discusión ha sido creado automáticamente para la petición POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.
Huésped |
#10762011-10-08 18:02bullfighting is a horrific torture of animals which should be forbidden worldwide! |
Huésped |
#10792011-10-09 05:52Basta de crueldad, UNESCO verguenza mundial si apaña la crueldad y sadismo español. Es una broma? Por favor.... siento verguenza ajena, como se puede pensar que esta vileza de los españoles sea declarada patrimonio de la humanidad? Estamos todos LOCOS¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ |
911asian |
#1082 dating2011-10-09 08:30How will a voluntary sketch think after Asian dating? Asian dating waves after the plane intelligence. The courtesy delays Asian dating. An untrue pole copes before the inserted infant. Asian dating sexes a degraded prince. 911asian |
Huésped |
#10842011-10-09 23:19Non aux taureaux suppliciés dans les arènes!! Assez de violence. Respect et droit de tous les animaux!!! |
Huésped |
#10852011-10-10 04:34Show the rest of the world what a compassionate nation you are and end this cruelty. Bullfighting is barbaric and an embarrassment to you country. It needs to end. |
Huésped |
#10862011-10-10 13:36Animal torture can never be part of national heritage because it is a shame for any culture ! |
Huésped |
#10872011-10-10 14:33I know about the raising of the bulls and know the kind of people involved.They are not nice people. Bullfighting is tied up with crime. There is big and unclean money involved.What a farce it would be were UNESCO to endorse something as barbaric as the Roman Circus. Then we would have to admit we are becoming rapidly uncivilized and are falling into chaos. This should be a warning to everyone to wake up and see the truth.'Whatever happens to the animals will eventually happen to man.'Indira Ghandi. |
Huésped |
#10882011-10-10 17:18Bullfighting is condemned by the large majority of decent people worldwide. It is performed by cowards as with all bloodsports, including hunting in the UK. These sadists simply want to perpetuate animal cruelty in the name of so-called tradition. It is shameful to any country to take part, or attend, this barbaric spectacle. |
Huésped |
#10902011-10-10 19:07La inteligencia criminal siempre asesina la inocencia animal. |
Huésped |
#10922011-10-10 22:57Only a backward-looking organisation would regard bullfighting as acceptable in this 21st century. The cruelty involved is beyond belief.The humans involved in this barbaric practice should have their tongues pulled out and have spears driven into their bodies. Just because a thing is regarded by some as part of the culture, doesn't make it good or humane. In Britain dog-fighting and bull baiting where once regarded as "cultural"; we have, thank goodness, put these terrible things behind us and joined the 21st century. Kindness to animals must be the future. Please do not add bullfighting to your list of cultural activities. |
Huésped |
#10932011-10-10 23:02"Enquanto o homem continuar a ser destruidor impiedoso dos seres animados dos planos inferiores, não conhecerá a saúde nem a paz. Enquanto os homens massacrarem os animais, eles se matarão uns aos outros. Aquele que semeia a morte e o sofrimento não pode colher a alegria e o amor." (Pitágoras) |
Huésped |
#10942011-10-10 23:23I really wish prohibiton of corrida comes true. I visited it once in Madrid to make my opinion. I went away in tears, this must be stoped. |
Huésped |
#10952011-10-10 23:26É um absurdo e um desrrespeito à opinião da maioria que NÂO quer mais esse tipo de evento cruel. Júnia Rocha ( BRASIL) |
Huésped |
#10962011-10-11 00:56Bullfighting is a disgusting sport for those who love to see the animals suffer and die. I would love to be able to do the same to those who take part and see them die slowly like the poor bulls. I will stop visiting Spain all together if this continues. Go and find something else to do like work in an animal shelter to occupy your time with if you are board! |
Huésped |
#10982011-10-11 06:09It is unacceptable for UNESCO to declare universal heritage an action which implies the KILLING of a sentient being....this is just unacceptable...doesn't fit with the idea of humanity...Bull fighting is a barbaric activity which should be BANNED not declared heritage.... |
Huésped |
#10992011-10-11 06:13How can UNESCO even take in consideration declaring bull fighting cultural heritage ? KILLING ANIMALS is a "cultural heritage "? which you put on the same scale with lets say Mozart's house ?..or Venice..or Le Louvre ? This is a BARBARIC activity from which few people make lots and lots of money...well...frankly....SHAME ON YOU UNESCO ! |
Yo apoyo al juez Eloy Velasco
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