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Este tema de discusión ha sido creado automáticamente para la petición POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.
Huésped |
#18762012-07-25 18:44Si piensa que torturar a una vida, es un arte, es que están mal de la cabeza.. |
Huésped |
#18772012-07-25 20:00Signed, from Malaysia. Shame on the cowardly peoples torturing the bulls! |
Huésped |
#18782012-07-25 20:02please we must widen our circle of compassion to embrace all creatures on this planet. This is cruelty beyong measure please stop it. |
Huésped |
#18812012-07-25 21:23Bullfighting is both cruel and unnecessary. It is NOT a sport, it is the slow and painful killing of an animal purely for the enjoyment of onlookers. Just as disgusting as dogs fighting with bears - where the bear has had it's claws and teeth pulled so it doesn't stand a fighting chance, the bulls are injured, starved and beat up prior to the "fight" so they can slowly and painfully be tortured to death....That is NOT World heritage, that's animal cruelty and must be completely banned! |
Huésped |
#18822012-07-25 23:09Wonder how that skinny man would feel if we beat him up first and throw him in a cage with a fighter and let him fight for his life.mmmmmm..... Could work. |
Huésped |
#18832012-07-25 23:19The progress of humanity demands that we put cruel cultural traditions behind us. Whatever people do to animals, they will do to other people if they think they can get away with it. For a better world, we must end spectacles of sadism. |
Huésped |
#18872012-07-27 00:43Bull fighting is not a sport as there is no choice for the Bull but to be brutally tortured and subsequently fatally injured. This cruelty is not acceptable and must be stopped. |
Huésped |
#18902012-07-27 01:01This is atrocious! I cannot believe that people who claim to have hearts can do this atrocity to ANY animal, especially in the name of entertainment! No wonder this world is full of hate and murder etc...you teach it to your children! |
Huésped |
#18912012-07-27 01:05Em Portugal existem municípios que estão a elevar as touradas "património cultural". Isto é uma vergonha, precisamos de todo o apoio possível para impedir esta barbaridade. |
Huésped |
#18922012-07-27 01:06this is so bad.. not needed and not liked.. leave the innocent animals alone...go kill and stab yourselfs.. and call it a art and see if you like it... STOP THIS MADNESS... |
Huésped |
#18932012-07-27 01:08all the animals have the right to live...we have no right to break up their lives for our entertainment...choose love! |
Huésped |
#18952012-07-27 01:12Why do they have to kill the bulls? Why can't they just use the cape and let them go on? I would love to do to them what they do to the bulls. This is the most horrible for of CRUELTY there is. PLEASE STOP THE BULL FIGHTS AND THE ABUSE OF THESE WONDERFUL ANIMALS!!!!! |
Huésped |
#18962012-07-27 01:19Bull-fighting is disgusting,, what the fuk is wrong w u people? what kind of male wears a goddamn "LIBERACE" tight "sausage eater" outfit?? What the fuk is wrong w u people?u should be ashamed of yourselves and now u got Kunts killing the baby cows toO?You people r sick n depraved |
Huésped |
#18972012-07-27 01:21A civilized country will never allow their animals to be tortured to death. No animal deserves such barbaric cruelty. Torturing an innocent animal to death have nothing to do with sport or culture... only pure cruelty. I will never go to a country that allows bull fighting and other animal cruelty in the name of sport or entertainment. |
Huésped |
#18982012-07-27 01:22Que termine con esta tortura con estos animales que no representa mas que violencia en estos tiempos por un mañana mejor o sino que Dios o la naturaleza se apiade |
Huésped |
#18992012-07-27 01:24This is barbaric. This is not sport. This must stop. I will never visit a country that has bullfighting. |
Huésped |
#19002012-07-27 01:26How disgusting and cruel. There is no regard for the lives of these animals. They have feelings. Would you ever do this to a person?? The pain and torture. "Compassion for animals is intimately connected with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man." How is this ok? It is every living creatures natural born right to be free of torture and abuse. This is an act of violence, completely unnecessary. It's an out dated barbaric act. It is hard to believe that in this day and age that people condone this sort of sport and attraction. Quite morbid actually. These animals have souls! You cannot continue to treat bulls in this manner. While they are being tortured have you looked into their eyes? Do you not see pain, fear, a plea for freedom, and more over - the question "why is this being done to me?" |
Yo apoyo al juez Eloy Velasco
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