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Este tema de discusión ha sido creado automáticamente para la petición POR QUE LA UNESCO NO DECLARE LOS TOROS PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD.
Huésped |
#9022011-09-28 18:33Deseo que los "humanos" sientam verguenza de las atrocidades con los animales, que puedan dejar los toros en PAZ! No so los toros, mas sí todos los animales, nuestros hermanos!!! LOVE ANIMALS! |
Huésped |
#9042011-09-28 21:11Espanha! Terra de gente primitiva,selvagem,cruel,que assassina animais inocentes de forma atróz,e saboreia a longa agonia do touro e dos bezerros com um prazer doentio. Terra de degenerados que se dizem cristãos,mas agem como demõnios.Maldita sejas,espanha! Terra encharcada de sangue de animais inocentes. |
Huésped |
#9062011-09-29 04:52Indigno,cruel, bárbaro, medieval, abominável, uma vergonha para todo o Planeta! O mundo clama pelo fim das covardes touradas, e boicota o turismo à Espanha, enquanto isso não acontecer! Deus não abençoa os Homens que maltratam os inocentes e indefesos animais, também suas criaturas! "A grandeza de uma nação e seu progresso moral, podem ser julgados pela forma como seus animais são tratados"!(Ghandi) Tornem-se dignos, basta das sanguinárias touradas! |
Huésped |
#9082011-09-29 11:54BAN BULLFIGHTS ! Bullfights is cruelty and barbaric spectacle !!! |
Huésped |
#9102011-09-29 14:37Please stop bull fighting. It is not a tradition, it is a cruel animal abusement as happened also in the time of Ceasar. People that have reached a certain level of civilisation that is normal in 2011 are against this kind of abusement. Spain is making itself a cruel country that people will avoid and Unesco is not Unesco anymore if bull fighting will be legal and called Unesco worthy. Stop this or everyting that Unesco is standing for will be a farce. And I will never respect anything of Unesco in future anymore. No buildings, no cities, nothing. If a living creature does not count for Unesco, then buildings surely are not worthy to respect. Do what you have to do and say NO to bull fighting. And say NO to those countries that still practice this kind of cruelty, let them know that it has to be over. You have the power to do this: PLEASE, stop bull fighting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Huésped |
#9122011-09-29 15:07Me parece vergonzoso que maltratar a un animal hasta la muerte pueda ser declarado patrimonio de la humanidad |
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2011-09-29 15:11- Date of removal: 2011-09-29
- Motivo de eliminación:
Huésped |
#9162011-09-29 15:19Xk eso lo mismo k poner humanos a p elear con leones con Leones y ya no se hace. Xk se debe trascender esta etapa de la humanidad. Y no creer k es un arte algo k provoca sufrimiento a un ser vivo. Es posible pasar esta etapa. |
Huésped |
#9182011-09-29 16:03disgusting that still there are people who like to torture animals to death and even more disgusting that they call it tradition as an excuse that barbaric grandparents liked this kind of violence, it is shameful to have this kind of grandparents instead of doing an appeal on, this kind of people belong behind bars, spearing a bull to death, imagine this happens to you for the fun of barbarians! |
Huésped |
#9192011-09-29 16:07I can't believe that in 2011 we still find it fun to hurt animals. It looks like some people aren't evolved and are stuck in there old believes. Stupid!!!! |
Huésped |
#9202011-09-29 16:23Es tiempo de cambiar!! hay tanta violencia en el mundo, como pretendemos que nuestros niños que son el futuro tengan buen ejemplo, si aún ven que los adultos disfrutan torturando animales? No exijamos lo que no damos |
Huésped |
#9212011-09-29 16:30Please Unesco!! make a good choice for once and quit the bullfighting all over the world because its very discusting and barbaric. I can't believe its a point of discussion, unbelievable! That people in this world can sleep at night when there responseble for the animal suffering. When Unesco make the bullfighting on the World Heritage List than their never to trust and make it the world is more broken, at least darker, while the're so much suffering in the world. And then also there should animals suffer and die? It makes many people sad, let it for once not going about the money but about the running life, which is very important! If you want to do something good then make sure that there are over 10 years nowhere in the world keep bullfights. that the world is better, not as a world they keep barbaric bloody battles in honor. powered by verstuur per email |
Huésped |
#9222011-09-29 17:05I cannot accept more innocent bloodshed in the world. That's enough! Bullfights are cruel spectacles! This MUST STOP!!! |
Huésped |
#9232011-09-29 17:09La tortura a un ser vivo no sé puede declarar patrimonio de la humanidad. |
Huésped |
#9242011-09-29 17:20Institutionalize barbarity can be a dangerous precedent in these tumultuous times. |
Huésped |
#9252011-09-29 17:28Do not allow these horrible atrocities against innocent animals to be called "Culture" and to be allowed EVER!!! Shame on you, UNESCO for supporting this primitive and sadistic practice !!!! TORTURA NO ES CULTURA! |
Yo apoyo al juez Eloy Velasco
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